



The Toll of Conflict

But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another. – Galatians 5:15 NLT

Conflict takes a heavy toll on our relationships and on our churches. Every careless sentence spoken for the sake of winning an argument disrupts our fellowship with one another. Harsh words are like piranha bites wounding and tearing Christ’s body. If conflict continues, the whole body will be consumed. Rather than a beautiful bride adorned for her heavenly husband, sooner or later the church will look like a bruised and bloodied carcass floating down the river.

Specific steps must be taken to curb conflict: Be humble and less critical of others. Be slower to anger, and faster to pray. Be less offensive and less easily offended. These steps will reduce conflict in our communities. We should speak graciously and listen patiently. We must look to the cross and consider what Jesus endured for our salvation so that we might endure insults, inconveniences, and difficulties with patient love for one another. We are the body of Christ. Let’s build one another up, not tear each other down.