



How do I listen to my Premium Collection audiobook?


You can listen to your purchased Premium Collection audiobook directly in the App. Download the Be United in Christ App, login with the username and password you used to make your purchase, and your audiobook will be available to you.


You’ll receive a link to your Premium Collection audiobook via email after you make your purchase. This link will allow you to download a Zip File of the entire audiobook. Note: your phone or tablet will most likely be unable to process this file directly. You will need to download the Zip file to your computer and then extract it and transfer it to your phone or tablet. If this sounds challenging, the App method above will remove any challenges.

Extracting a zip file:

Most operating systems have built-in utilities to decompress files. You do not need any extra software. To decompress a file or folder on a Mac, just double-click it. To open a zipped file on a PC, you can double-click or right-click it to open it. Double-click the zipped file to see its contents. When prompted, drag the files out of the window to the desired location, or click Extract All. When you click Extract All, the files are unzipped in the same location as the original file unless you specify a different one in the Select a Destination window. Or you can right-click the zipped file and select Extract All. By default, files are extracted to the same location as the original zipped file. Use the Select a Destination window to save the files to another folder.

Transferring to your device:

  • Locate the folder containing the audiobooks on your hard drive
  • Connect your device to your computer via the USB cable
  • Find the device as a drive location on your machine (under My Computer in Windows, for example).
  • Open the appropriate folder on the device. (Tip: use the Audible folder on a Kindle device, the music folder on an Android device, and either the Audiobook or Music folder on an Apple device).
  • Drag-and-drop (or copy and paste) the MP3 audiobook files to the appropriate folder.