




  • Categories
  • Volunteering at a Children’s Event in Motonto, Kenya

    In this photo, Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry volunteers get ready to kick off an open-air children’s event in Motonto, Kenya. This event brought more than 5,000 children out to hear the gospel message — many for the first time! What joy to see children respond to the invitation to make Jesus Christ the Lord of their lives! We believe Kenya will be saved...

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  • Do Not Be Bound with Unbelievers

    Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? … Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? – 2 Corinthians 6:14–15 – The unity of the church depends upon the purity of the church. It cannot be a mix of believers and unbelievers. The true church is composed of those who...

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  • Supporting Bible School in Davao, Philippines

    Across Davao City, Philippines, local churches connect in Christian unity to perform a joint community outreach: the Davao Vacation Bible School. The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry was honored to partner with these churches to reach into the impoverished neighborhoods of Davao City and its surroundings with the goal of ministering to every child living there. The love of God shone brightly as unbelieving families...

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  • Love Like Christ

    “Love one another; as I have loved you.” – John 13:34 – Christians, you also are to love one another not because of the gain that you get from one another but because of the good you can do for one another. I once heard a minister grumble about the Baptist denomination. He said, “I do not know what the denomi­nation ever did for me.” I...

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  • Blessing Believers in Montonto, Kenya

    At a recent event in Motonto, Kenya, pastors and teachers from across the region eagerly requested the resources we provided to further educate them on our Lord’s prayer for the unity of believers. How beautiful it was for our volunteers to witness their hunger! We pray that every leader who received our materials is inspired by Jesus’ prayer to teach the importance of Bible-based Christian unity...

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