




  • Categories
  • Supporting Christian Schools

    With the help of the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, this Christian school is moving forward with their mission to reach the lost and teach the saved in one of the fastest growing communities in Florida. Almost doubling in size in less than ten years, this community is now home to many new families looking for a place to belong. The school and the overseeing...

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  • Blessed Are the Peacemakers

    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. – Matthew 5:9 – The Lord Jesus Christ begins His Sermon on the Mount by outlining the anatomy of a truly blessed soul. He defines real spiritual health. He does not speak as the world speaks, because the blessedness He offers does not fit the world’s pattern. His kingdom is not of this world...

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  • Teaching Christian Unity in the Philippines

    Ministry students receive Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry resources to help further their education on the important topic of biblical Christian unity. In the Philippines, just 2% of the population considers themselves to be Protestant/Christian. There is much work to be done here, and these students will now be prepared with training on what the Bible really says about Christian unity so that they can...

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  • Christian Drug Rehabilitation in Mexico

    Believers gather to pray over a new Christian rehabilitation center in Mexico. At this center, men will be provided with housing and food at no charge as they go through the program. We’ve been blessed to support the international ministry that oversees the center. They work to take the message of Jesus Christ to the nations by reaching out to all members of society—even those who...

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  • The Pursuit of Peace

    Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. – Romans 14:19 – Peace does not happen by accident. We must pursue the things that make for peace. Human beings naturally quarrel and manipulate to get what they want. However, it takes effort to resist our impulses, rest in the gospel of peace, and pursue...

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