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  • Keep Growing!

    “All the body … grows.” (Colossians 2:19) Make sure you keep growing for the sake of the whole body. “Oh!” you say, “I do not know that I want to grow. I have believed in Christ, and I am saved, and that is enough for me.” But, my dear friend, you must grow because the whole church of Christ is supposed to grow. Suppose that...

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  • The Word Became Flesh

    My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior – Luke 1:46-47 – Christ’s birth changed the world! When God sent His son to earth, He saw broken, sinful people who were separated from Him. And yet, He still sent Jesus to be born as a human and forgive us from our sins! At Christmas, we celebrate that the Word became flesh. God...

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  • Enter our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

    Starting on December 10th, you’ll have a chance to win one of the books in our Premium Collection! Each day, we’ll highlight a different book across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To enter for a chance to win, share that day’s 12 Days of Christmas post on your own account and tag us! One winner will be chosen each day to receive that day’s highlighted book. Posts...

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  • Join Us in Celebrating Lent

    This week is the first week of Lent, a season to reflect on the sacrifice Christ made to save us from our sin. The 40 days of Lent reflect the 40 days that Christ spent in the wilderness fasting and praying while he was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). These 40 days of sacrifice and prayer marked the beginning of His ministry and traditionally...

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  • How the Gospel Enables Us to Love

    An Excerpt from Christian Unity and You The love with which the Father loves us is an enormous love. It sent His Son to die in our place. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NKJV). In all the ways we fail to keep the law of love, Jesus kept it. Rather...

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  • Looking Back at 2021

    Happy New Year! I am Tim Hayden, President and CEO of Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry. I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported us in 2021 through prayer, donation and purchase of our Bible-based resources. Your support is truly appreciated. At this time of year, many of us are focused on working on areas of our lives that we may decide...

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  • Speaking on Unity in Narok, Kenya

    Over 40,000 people came out to take part in this outdoor gospel crusade in Narok, Kenya. Narok was an area of heavy tribal warfare in 2009. Thousands were killed here. Local pastors reached out to the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, requesting we come, minister the gospel, and help bring unity to the Christian churches. Thousands of first-time decisions for Christ were made at this...

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  • Discover the Importance of Christian Unity

    In the videos below, discover the Biblical basis for Christian unity and the resources that we’ve put together to equip the church to walk in it. Visit to learn more! Jesus died for our sins to unite us to God and one another Dr. John Henderson, Pastor and Professor, explains the impact of John 17 on his life and ministry, and tells us what we...

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