This week is the first week of Lent, a season to reflect on the sacrifice Christ made to save us from our sin. The 40 days of Lent reflect the 40 days that Christ spent in the wilderness fasting and praying while he was tempted by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). These 40 days of sacrifice and prayer marked the beginning of His ministry and traditionally are observed by Christians as a time for deeper reflection of our relationships with Christ.
Our Hope
This year, to help you prepare your heart for Easter, we will be sending you a devotional for each week of Lent. These devotionals are taken from our book Christian Unity and You, and each one will focus on a different aspect of how Christ’s death and resurrection has changed our relationships with God and other Christians. Receive them each week by signing up for our email newsletter at BeUnitedinChrist.news.
We hope you’ll join us in stilling your heart during Lent and focusing on what Easter means for believers in 2022.