



Month: February 2022

  • Learn, Apply, and Share: Three Steps Towards Christian Unity

    The first step in pursuing and honoring Christ’s passion for unity is to LEARN what the Bible really says. The Holy Spirit provides divine power to understand and apply the rich truth about Christian unity revealed in God’s Word. We encourage you to read and meditate upon the thousands of Bible passages found in our Basic Resources and our Premium Collection of Books.  In your...

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  • How the Gospel Enables Us to Love

    An Excerpt from Christian Unity and You The love with which the Father loves us is an enormous love. It sent His Son to die in our place. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 NKJV). In all the ways we fail to keep the law of love, Jesus kept it. Rather...

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  • Sharing the Gospel in Maua, Kenya

    A church volunteer engages with children at a local school in Maua, Kenya. His team was sponsored by the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry to go into schools across Maua and share the salvation story with local students. They showed love by ministering the gospel and providing students with much-needed school supplies, soccer balls, the rare treat of candy, and bracelets to remind the...

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  • Speaking About Christian Unity in Brazil

    In Campinas, Brazil, a local church received a representative of the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry to speak to the several thousand in attendance about the power of unity within the body of Christ. These now-activated leaders and believers are sharing the message of unity amongst their 38 affiliated churches in Brazil (with membership exceeding 10,000) and throughout their local communities!

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  • Partnering to Care for the Homeless in Latvia

    Church volunteers share the gospel while meeting physical needs at a homeless ministry sponsored by the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry in Riga, Latvia. Ministries like these are vital to the health of those without a place to call home — especially as the colder months approach in Europe. It is not uncommon for ambulance crews to receive more than five calls a week...

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