Note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.
– Romans 16:17 –
Parents watch out for what might harm their kids. Teachers are alert for fights on the playground. Churches must take note of false teachers, for they will harm God’s children and start fights among them. The unity of the church depends upon separation from “those who cause divisions and offenses.” Any member of the church walking in unrepentant sin, especially blatant sin against others, causes division. They harm other Christians without true remorse. Any professing Christian spreading lies about other Christians is a source of contention. Some teach false doctrine. Others challenge the plain teaching of Scripture. The Lord tells us to note and avoid them.
Preach the gospel to them. Call them to repentance and faith in Christ. But do not let them join your church! Refuse to receive their teaching in any form. This verse does not grant us permission to be hateful or harsh. It does call us to exercise wisdom and prudence when it comes to preserving the unity of our fellowship. The glory of Christ, the love of every brother and sister in Christ, and the unity of the church requires avoiding them.