



The Unity of the Universe

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.
– Psalm 19:1 –

When God created the universe, He called it good (Genesis 1:4). What made it good was that He made everything with beautiful order that declared His glory. It showed His handiwork. From the orbits of planets in our solar system to the arrangement of atoms in our atmosphere, there was unity. Every living organism was a unified arrangement of cells. Every community of animals dwelt in peace—lambs grazed next to lions. Adam and Eve lived at peace with God and one another. From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord was praised through the harmony of the cosmos.

When sin entered the world, the unity of the universe was disrupted but not destroyed. Though spoiled by the stain of sin, a hint of harmony remains. Planets still spin with symmetry. The sun holds its place and the moon continues its course, for “He appointed the moon for seasons; the sun knows its going down” (Psalm 104:19). Though stars now burn out and die in the heavens, billions more remain fixed in their places. Earthquakes, floods, and droughts prove that “the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now” (Romans 8:22). Yet the whole creation retains a unified rhythm and structure that declares the existence and power of God (Romans 1:20).

As human beings we play an important role in His universe. We were created in the image of God to reflect and represent Him. We were put in the world to rule and watch over His work. All of us have a responsibility to honor God as Creator and respect the order He desires. Christians possess a unique ability to recognize the glory of God in the universe and worship Him. This means we have a unique calling to live in harmony with one another and promote unity in God’s world.