That they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and You loved them, just as You loved Me.
– John 17:22-23 –
We have nearly arrived at the great merry-making season of the year. On Christmas day we shall find all the world enjoying themselves with all the good cheer they can afford. Servants of God, you who have the largest share in the person of Him who was born at Bethlehem, I invite you to the best of all Christmas fare—to nobler food than makes the table groan—bread from heaven, food for your spirit.
Behold, how rich and how abundant are the provisions God has made for the high festival He would have His servants keep. He provides not just now and then, but all the days of their lives!
We dare not omit one precious doctrine, which needs a refined taste perhaps, but which, when a man has learned to feed on it, seems to him to be best of all — I mean the great truth of union to Christ.
We are plainly taught in the Word of God that as many as have believed are one with Christ: they are married to him, there is a union based upon mutual affection. The union is closer still, for there is a vital union between Christ and His saints. They are in Him as the branches are in the vine. They are members of the body, and He is the head. They are one with Jesus in such a true and real sense that with Him they died, with Him they have been buried, with Him they are risen, with Him they are raised up together and made to sit together in heavenly places.
There is an indissoluble union between Christ and all His people: “I in them and they in me.” Thus the union may be described: —Christ is in His people the hope of glory, and they are dead and their life is hid with Christ in God. This is a union of the most wonderful kind… but which it is impossible for language to completely explain. Oneness to Jesus is one of the fat things, full of marrow.
For if we are one with Christ, then because He lives we must live also; because He was punished for sin, we also have borne the wrath of God in Him; because He was justified by His resurrection, we also are justified in Him; because He is rewarded and forever sits down at His Father’s right hand, we also have obtained the inheritance in him and by faith grasp it now, and enjoy its earnest.