In Deed and Truth

Whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. – 1 John 3:17–18 – Christians confess with their mouths [...]

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Our Citizenship is Not of this World

Our citizenship is in Heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. – Philippians 3:20 – Citizens from the same country have a passport and an allegiance in common, especially when competing against rival nations. During the Olympic games we witness the enthusiasm and joy of people united under [...]

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Speaking About Christian Unity in Brazil

In Campinas, Brazil, a local church received a representative of the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry to speak to the several thousand in attendance about the power of unity within the body of Christ. These now-activated leaders and believers are sharing the message of unity amongst their 38 affiliated churches in Brazil (with membership [...]

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Partnering to Care for the Homeless in Latvia

Church volunteers share the gospel while meeting physical needs at a homeless ministry sponsored by the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry in Riga, Latvia. Ministries like these are vital to the health of those without a place to call home — especially as the colder months approach in Europe. It is not uncommon for [...]

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Providing Disaster Relief in Guatemala

Guatemala City, Guatemala – On June 3, 2018, Guatemala's Volcán de Fuego erupted with no warning, sending massive lava flows and ash into surrounding areas and burying an entire village. Thousands of people were displaced from their homes and the death toll exceeded 100. The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry sponsored a global evangelistic [...]

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Helping Christian Schools in Uganda

Children attending a Christian school in Mitiyana, Uganda, wait in line for food and clean water. Through our partnership with Abundant Ministries, we've been able to purchase Life Straws, which provide clean drinking water, until the community can complete the setup of a fresh water well. “Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good [...]

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Partnering for Clean Water in Kenya

Built on the site of a Christian orphanage in Mogogosiek, Kenya, this well provides fresh drinking water not only for the many orphans who live here but for thousands of people throughout the Mogogosiek community as well! Locals celebrate the digging of the well and gather around it with local pastors to commemorate the event [...]

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Helping Single Mothers Through Grace House in Russia

The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry is honored to support missionaries to Russia in the building of Grace House, a Christian home for orphans and single Russian mothers who grew up in orphanages. They also receive and care for single mothers who have been involved in prostitution, a rampant problem across Russia. We were [...]

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Sharing the Importance of Christian Unity in Italy

By God’s grace, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry was able to sponsor a seminary-trained pastor to speak at a large non-Catholic church in Rome, Italy. This evangelist shared the importance of walking in biblical Christian unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ and presented the church staff with our Premium Collection of [...]

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Sponsoring a Clinic in Ethiopia

Workers at a Christian medical clinic in Debre Birhan, Ethiopia, send a smile and their thanks to the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry. This clinic, one of many sponsored by the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, serves over one thousand people throughout this region. “Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of [...]

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Sharing the Gospel in Mexico City

In conjunction with a network of hundreds of churches in Mexico City, Mexico, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry shared the gospel message through a series of day and evening events. Those who gave their lives to Christ at the event were able to plug directly into a local body of believers for Bible-based [...]

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Sharing the Gospel through Medical Missions

Each day, crowds assemble from miles around at a medical clinic in Zimbabwe. Some arrive on foot, others on donkey-led carts, stretchers, and wheelbarrows. Still others, like this elderly woman, are carried to the clinic by relatives. The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry was able to help make a powerful difference in the lives [...]

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Training Pastors in Gabon

Partnering with six churches in the United States, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry helped establish a Bible School in Gabon, Africa. Many local congregations are now sending their pastors, church leaders, and future ministers to the Bible School for training. We are excited about the growth this school has already experienced and know [...]

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Feeding the Hungry in Matamoros, Mexico

The Victor Mata Soup Kitchen is located in an extremely impoverished area of Matamoros, Mexico, where thousands of people live in shacks without electricity, fresh water or sewers. The soup kitchen offers these precious individuals the gospel of Jesus Christ and supplemental meals twice a week. By serving the physical needs, a spiritual fruit is [...]

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Saving Lives and Sharing God’s Love

4-month-old Collen’s life wasn’t off to a great start. He had six fingers on each of his little hands and six toes on each foot. He also had a more critical need. Collen had a large growth on his tongue — so large he couldn’t nurse. He was undernourished and small. His health was declining. [...]

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Introducing Preschoolers to Jesus

The Weirton Christian Center in West Virginia is committed to the at-risk children they serve, focusing on their spiritual, physical, and emotional needs. Each morning and before lunch, Christian teachers lead preschoolers to pray. Their spirits are filled with innocence, joy, and laughter. ”Start children off on the way they should go, and even when [...]

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Partnering with Abundant Ministries to Bring Access to Water

In the slums of Lagos, Nigeria, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry partnered with Abundant Ministries Fellowship by providing funding for the drilling of a water well and water treatment plant adjacent to church property. In this photo, the community celebrates the dedication of the well and their now unlimited, free access to clean [...]

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Supporting a Gospel Crusade in Kampala, Uganda

By God's grace, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry assisted with this large-scale gospel crusade in Kampala, Uganda, that touched the lives of countless millions. More than 10,000 people flooded the building and throngs stood outside to hear the Word of God. Over the course of a few days, 35,000 were ministered to on [...]

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Witnessing Miracles in Zimbabwe

The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry has been honored to partner with Jewish Voice Ministries International to establish medical clinics in impoverished nations. During a medical outreach in Zimbabwe, God stepped in to reveal His miraculous power to heal where medicine could not. Memory, the 44-year-old women pictured here, had not been able to [...]

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Ministering to the Homeless in South Africa

A Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry volunteer in South Africa gives the thumbs up that she’s ready to hit the streets. She and a team of church workers are targeting the homeless, looking for those in need of a kind word, a hug, and a Hope that will never fade away. In this part [...]

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Supporting Orphans in Matamoros, Mexico

These two precious girls are happy to receive daily love and care at their Christian orphanage in Matamoros, Mexico. It is estimated that there are more than 400,000 children without parents in Mexico, and of that number, 100,000 are homeless. The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry has donated to provide homes for 12 boys [...]

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Sharing the Gospel with Bicycles

In a short-term missions trip to Matamoros, Mexico, partners from the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry and United in Christ Ministry Worldwide worked together to bless orphans and impoverished children like this adorable boy. They repaired the children’s damaged bicycles and gifted many new bicycles to those who had none In Matamoros, a bicycle [...]

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Sharing the Gospel in Peru

The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry contributed to a missions trip to Huaycan, Peru. Huaycan is a depressed suburb of the city of Lima. Dirt streets, broken down homes, and an arid landscape is the location this sweet little girl calls home. The missions team we sent worked to rebuild local homes, share the [...]

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Sharing Our Books With Believers in Australia

A member of a church in Ringwood, Australia, was selected to receive a copy of the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry’s Premium Collection book, Essentials of Unity. She expressed her thanks and excitement to learn what the Bible really says about Christian unity and how she can apply this in her relationships with other [...]

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Caring for Orphans in Nairobi, Kenya

It's hard to believe that this adorable little boy was left abandoned with his siblings in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. But his fate is all too common for children throughout this region. This is why the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry felt led to help establish a Christian orphanage in Nairobi. Now this [...]

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Caring for Orphans in Haiti

These young adults were rescued from the disaster of the earthquake that ravaged Haiti. Without families to care for them, their future was bleak. Now, thanks to our ability to provide assistance to dedicated Jesus followers in Carrefour, these boys will grow to preach the gospel in their homeland and make a national difference! “But [...]

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Spurgeon on our Union with Christ at Christmas

That they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and You loved them, just as You loved Me. – John 17:22-23 – We have nearly arrived at the great merry-making [...]

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Volunteering at a Children’s Event in Motonto, Kenya

In this photo, Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry volunteers get ready to kick off an open-air children’s event in Motonto, Kenya. This event brought more than 5,000 children out to hear the gospel message — many for the first time! What joy to see children respond to the invitation to make Jesus Christ the [...]

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Caring for Orphans in Haiti

By God’s grace, the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry helped care for 50 orphans in Carrefour, Haiti. Every day these children are being fed, clothed, taught, and loved as the precious and wanted individuals that they truly are. This act of God’s love extended to them will change their lives forever! “The Lord … [...]

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Receiving Fresh Drinking Water in Meru, Kenya

The Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry is pleased, by God's grace, to have sponsored the establishment of a well in Meru, Kenya, in partnership with a local ministry. This is another example of Christians uniting to impact the world! As up to 10,000 locals come each day to receive fresh drinking water, free of [...]

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Teaching and Promoting Christian Unity in Ghana

Students at a Christian university in Accra, Ghana, receive funding from the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry. This university is devoted to training students to be critical thinkers, morally sound, entrepreneurial in outlook and able to provide solutions to societal challenges. The students pictured here are being trained for ministry so that they can [...]

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Supporting Humanitarian Work after Hurricane Irma

Unaltered Ministries, a ministry helping people to experience fullness of life through the gospel, and the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry joined together to serve families who had been devastated in Hurricane Irma's descent upon Florida. Volunteers showed up at the first trailer home not knowing what the conditions would be like. The roof [...]

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Supporting At-Risk Children with Urban Impact

At-risk students in 6th–12th grade who are vocally talented are invited to join the Urban Impact Choir, where they will learn not only to develop their vocal talent but who God is and why they should use their voices to glorify the Lord. This is a photo of the kids during one of their many [...]

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Supporting Outreach to the Homeless in New Jersey

This Christian homeless shelter in New Jersey offers emergency shelter to the homeless men and women of their community. They also offer a 36-week rehabilitation program designed to assist individuals in the recovery and healing of their lives — spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Through spiritual mentorship, life classes, and accountability, those who participate regain [...]

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Supporting Christian Schools

With the help of the Be United in Christ Outreach Ministry, this Christian school is moving forward with their mission to reach the lost and teach the saved in one of the fastest growing communities in Florida. Almost doubling in size in less than ten years, this community is now home to many new families [...]

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Christian Drug Rehabilitation in Mexico

Believers gather to pray over a new Christian rehabilitation center in Mexico. At this center, men will be provided with housing and food at no charge as they go through the program. We've been blessed to support the international ministry that oversees the center. They work to take the message of Jesus Christ to the [...]

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